We are working to get all music currently in use onto this page. Some music here are alternates or are “almost what we sing…” noted with an * (asterisk).
Service Structure (Link) | Service Structure (PDF)

Orthodox Hymnographer
- Come Let Us Worship
- Great Litany (Ektenia) Responses, “Lord Have Mercy“
- Psalm 140, “Lord I have cried…” Byzantine Tone 1-8, audio available.
- Gladsome Light*, Dvoretsky/Gelsinger, 42-A
- Evening Prokeimenon
- Daily
- Saturday
- Ektenia of Fervent Supplication with languages
- Aposticha
- Kazan Byzantine Tones 1-8
- Various Feastal / Saint
- St. Simeon’s Prayer, [scan & upload]
- Troparion (Apolytikion)
- [See Tone 1-8 Below]
- Theotokion in proper tone
- Dismissal
- Final Glory… , Kassan 47, George, Tone 1

Orthros (Matins)
Service Structure (Link) | Service Structure (PDF)
- … stuff here …
- Great Doxology (Tone 8)
- Troparion:
- Today is Salvation Come (Tones 4, used for Tone 1-4)
- Having Risen From the Tomb (Tones 8, used for Tones 5-8)

Divine Liturgy
Service Structure (Link) | Service Structure (PDF)
- Litany Responses, “Lord Have Mercy“
- First Antiphon,
- Second Antiphon, Includes version of the Troparion of the Second Antiphon (Hymn of St. Justinian)
- Third Antiphon
- Various Feastal Troparion or Saint
- Troparion (Apolytikion) of the Resurrection:
The term troparion most often refers to the apolytikion (or “dismissal hymn”), the thematic hymn which closes Vespers. (In Greek churches, the apolytikion troparion is known simply as the apolytikion; in most other churches, it is known simply as the troparion.) This troparion serves as a thematic hymn and is repeated at every service of the day.
- Entrance Hymn
- “Usual Sunday” Byzantine Tone 2, Meena, 7-B*
- Various Festal Alternates
- Troparion of the Patron Saint or Titular Feast of the Church
- Kontakion (varies by festal season)
- “Usual Sunday” Byzantine Tone 2, Karam, 9-A*
- Various Festal Alternates
- Trisagion Hymn, “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal…”
- Alleluia
- Cherubic Hymn
- “Usual Sunday”, Bortniansky/Hilko, 13-B* [includes Triumphal Hymn of the Angles below]
- Anaphora-Martini
- Anaphora-Johnson*
- Triumphal Hymn of the Angels [Conclusion of Cherubic Hymn above]
- We Praise Thee [included in Anaphora]
- Megalynarion (The Theotokion, Song in Honor of the Theotokos)
- “Usual Sundays” [scan & upload]
- The Angel Cried, [Audio Below]
- Alt 3
- Alt 4
- Various Feastal Megalynarion
- Koinonikon (Communion of the Clergy)
- “Usual Sundays”, Praise the Lord, Farrow, 22-D*
- “Usual Sundays”, Praise the Lord, Sakellarides/Voronkoff, 22-C*
- Various Feastal Koinonikon, Hymns 1-25
- Blessed is He or full Pg.67
- Koinonikon (Communion of the Faithful)
- “Usual Sunday”, Receive Me Today, Byzantine Tone 8, Karam, 24-A
- “Short”, Receive the Body of Christ [scan & upload]
- Various Feastal Koinonikon [See Above]
- We Have Seen The True Light, Russian Tone 2, Hilko/Lourie
- Thanksgiving after Holy Communion
- Blessed Be Name of Lord
- Memorial Service, Byzantine Chant
- Dismissal
- Many Years, Russian Traditional, Meena
- O Pure Virgin
- Psalm-135

Evening Divine Liturgy (Vesperal Divine Liturgy)
Service Structure (Link) | Service Structure (PDF)
- … Stuff here …
- … More stuff …

Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
Service Structure (Link) | Service Structure (PDF)
- … Stuff here …
- … More stuff …

- Baptism Service
- Wedding Service, Byzantine Chant
The Ministry of Chanting / Singing performed by both men and women is extremely ancient and it is recognized as a path to holiness in the Orthodox Church. In 2005 His Grace, Bishop JOSEPH, now our Metropolitan, wrote a letter of appreciation [ http://www.antiochianladiocese.org/news_090104_16.html ].
Bishop BASIL of Wichita and Mid-America also has a pastoral directive on church singing [ http://www.antiochian.org/node/22680 ].
There are several resources for the history of Sacred Music in the Antiochian Archdiocese is available here [ http://www.antiochian.org/node/25951 ].
At St Nicholas, we follow the normal Antiochian practice of combining the use of the Byzantine tonal system with its model hymns and special methods with set pieces from the Russian tradition such as Carpatho-Rus and Znamenny chant. We primarily use music from the Archdiocese’s Byzantine Music Project supplemented as necessary by compositions published by the Antiochian Department of Sacred Music, Bishop BASIL of Wichita and Mid-America, and St Anthony’s Monastery (GOA). Members of the congregation are encouraged to follow the choir in singing the services.
If you would like to join the choir or have any questions about its ministry, please speak directly with Kh. Marilyn A.
The most important Vespers and Matins hymns including all the Resurrection Troparia with Theotokia are made available by St John the Evangelist Orthodox Church as MP3 recordings here [ http://www.stjohnorinda.org/content.php?section=Media ].
Another archive of sheet music is Orthodox Two Part Music sponsored by St Tikhon’s Monastery (OCA), [ http://orthodoxtwopartmusic.org ].
Choir members and all those interested in the ministry of church singing and chant may consider familiarizing themselves with some of the saints who contributed to our musical and hymnological tradition.